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July 14, 2021

Foods That Are Common Culprits of Digestive Issues

Food is one of life’s joys. There are so many wondrous varieties that the sheer number of options is astounding. Flavors abound and run the entire range of what humans can taste. Of course, how tasty some foods can be can make it tough to make good choices when it comes to the foods we consume. Some can even be the cause of digestive issues for certain individuals.


Gluten’s gotten quite the bad rap over the last few years. It’s tough to tell how much of it is the placebo effect and how much of it is because of legitimate issues in some cases, but according to Providence Health & Services, eating gluten can cause some serious issues for some people. Those who suffer from Celiac disease in particular need to avoid gluten. Consuming gluten causes the body of those with Celiac disease to overreact and damage the villi in the small intestine. This prevents the body from being able to adequately absorb nutrients.


Like gluten, foods with lactose are perfectly fine for some people to consume. For others, however, lactose consumption can result in digestive issues. This can happen because of a lack of lactase, which is commonly referred to as lactose intolerance. According to Granite Peaks Gastroenterology, a lack of the digestive enzyme lactase can prevent you from breaking down lactose. When that happens, consuming lactose causes diarrhea, cramps, gas, and bloating. You can deal with lactose intolerance by avoiding dairy or by taking lactase supplements that help you process lactose better.


Citrus foods can be a great source of fiber and vitamin C. Just because they can be beneficial doesn’t mean that’s always the case though. For some people, they cause more problems than benefits. Too much fiber is a problem, just like not having enough is. Beyond that, the high acid content in citrus foods can be tough on your stomach. Too much acid can irritate the protective lining in your stomach, eventually resulting in ulcers. As such, according to PickYourOwn,it’s important to pay attention to the quantities of different acidic foods that you consume.


You need food to live, but not all foods are good for everyone to eat. Gluten, lactose, and citrus foods can be the source of digestive issues for some people. If you’re one of them, it may be best to find other sources of the nutrients that these foods would otherwise provide. Be sure to talk to a doctor to figure out what the best course of action is for you.


Read this next: How to Make Sure Your Kids Have a Healthy Diet

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